Category: AWS

InvalidParameterCombination error when creating RDS instance in Terraform

A few days ago I was tasked with provisioning infrastructure for an application using Terraform. Until recently my experience with RDS instances had been creating, copying and sharing snapshots, and referencing the correct snapshot in the resource block of the Terraform script. On this occasion, however, I needed to create a database instance without …

Elastic Beanstalk CLI commands

So, I have the AWS Developer Associate exam booked in a week’s time, so I’m going through all the services the questions about which are likely to come up in the exam. Yesterday I looked at Elastic Beanstalk, an AWS service that lets you quickly deploy application with things such as load balancing, autoscaling …

AWS CDK Adventure Part 1: the basics

7 months ago I changes jobs. Until then I’d only heard the word AWS, and I remember when I started the new job back in March, words like ‘load balancer’ and ‘bucket’ seemed ever so alien to me. Now they are a part of my everyday work vocabulary, and even though I don’t know …